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Published and Forthcoming Research

Information on my published work is also available on my CV and Google Scholar 


 Peer-Reviewed Articles


13- Gender Stereotypes in Electoral Autocracies: Experimental Evidence from Morocco. (with Carolyn Barnett and Alexandra Blackman). Firstview, Journal of Politics. Stage 1 report:  Replication material


12- Competent Legislators or Mere Pawns? Experimental Evidence of Attitudes toward Gender Quota Politicians. (with Carolyn Barnett and Alexandra Blackman). 2025.  Political Science Research and Methods, 1–14. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2024.69.


11- Gender and Authoritarian Politics: Citizens and Elites’ Responses to Gender Reforms (with Lena Wängnerud). 2024. Comparative Political Studies,  57(14), 2263-2280.


10- Who Supports Gender Quotas in Authoritarian and Transitioning Regimes in MENA. (With Yuree Noh). 2024. Comparative Political Studies, 57(14), 2313-2347.  Replication material â€‹


9- Executive Compliance with Parliamentary Powers under Authoritarianism: Evidence from Jordan. (With Scott Williamson). 2024.  Governance, 37(4), 1163–1182.  Appendix 


8- Female Representation in Legislative Committees and Perceptions of Legitimacy: Evidence from a Harmonized Experiment in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.  (With Kristen Kao, Ellen Lust, and Chagai Weiss). 2023.  American Political Science Review. Online First:


7- All Politics is Local: Studying Women’s Representation in Local Politics under Authoritarianism. (With Carolyn Barnett). 2023. Politics & Gender, Online First:


6- Perilous Pedagogy: Teaching Gender and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa. (With Nermin Allam and Hind Zaki). 2023. Politics & Gender, Online First:


5- Leveling the Field: Gender Inequity in Academia During COVID. (with Nermin Allam and Gail Buttorff). 2021. PS: Political Science & Politics


4- Women in Legislative Committees in Arab Parliaments. (with Laila Elimam). 2020. Journal of Comparative Politics, 51 (1): 139-167. 


3- Elite-Citizen Linkages and Issue Congruence under Competitive Authoritarianism. (with Abdullah Aydogan). 2019. Parliamentary Affairs, 73 (1): 66-88.


2- Drivers of Tolerance: Experimental Evidence from Post-revolutionary Egypt. (with Mazen Hassan). 2019. Political Research Quarterly, 72 (2): 293-309.


1- Women’s Political Representation in the Middle East and North Africa. 2018. Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science.


Book Chapters 


7- Success Beyond Gender Quotas: Gender, Local Politics, and Clientelism in Morocco. (With Carolyn Barnett). 2025. In

Decentralization, Local Governance, and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Ellen Lust and Kristen Kao. University of Michigan Press. 


6- When Inequalities Interconnect: Female Scholars Productivity Amid COVID-19 Pandemic in the MENA region. (With Nermin Allam and Gail Buttorff). 2023. In COVID Is Female: Policies, Strategies, and Impact in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Rita Stephan. University of Texas Press.


5- Women’s Political Participation in Bahrain. (with Ariana Marnicio). 2020. In Women Rising: Resistance, Revolution, and Reform in the Arab Spring and Beyond, edited by Rita Stephan and Mounira Charrad. New York University Press.


4- Toward Understanding the Link between Good Governance and Support for Female Politicians in the Arab World. 2020. In The Politics of Corruption in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Ina Kubbe and Aiysha Varriach. Routledge: Development Studies Series. 


3- Examining Female Membership and Leadership of Legislative Committees in Jordan. (with Laila Elimam). 2020. In The Politics of Empowerment in the MENA Region, edited by Drude Dahlerup and Hanane Darhour. Palgrave Macmillan.


2- Challenges Facing Women’s Political Participation Post Arab Spring: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia. 2016. In Empowering Women After the Arab Spring, edited by Marwa Shalaby and Valentine Moghadam. Palgrave Macmillan.​


1- Deconstructing Women’s Empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa. 2016. In Empowering Women After the Arab Spring, edited by Marwa Shalaby and Valentine Moghadam. Palgrave Macmillan.


Short Articles and Reviews


Electoral Manipulation and Women’s Rights in Autocracies, APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter. Volume 7, Issue 2, Fall 2024.


Gender Stereotypes and Women’s Political Representation in MENAAPSA-MENA Politics Newsletter. Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2020.


COVID-19 Pandemic Compounds Challenges Facing MENA Research,  APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter. Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2020. (with Nermin Allam and Gail Buttorff).


Introducing a New Dataset on Legislators’ Activities in Arab Parliaments,  APSA- The Legislative Scholar 4 (1), Winter 2020.


Book Review: Women and the Egyptian Revolution: Engagement and Activism during the 2011 Arab Uprisings. 2018. The Middle East Journal 72(3).


Women’s Representation under Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Kuwait, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, May 2017.

Select Policy Reports and Briefs


Success Beyond Gender Quotas: Gender, Local Politics, and Clientelism in Morocco. Working paper published by GLD, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2021. (with Carolyn Barnett)


Local Governance under Decentralization: Processes, Outcomes and Obstacles. Working paper published by GLD, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2020. (with Ellen Lust, Chagai Weiss, Kristen Kao, Sylvia Bergh, Miriam Bohn, Ezra Karmel, Erik Vollmann, Intissar Kherigi, and Zeynep Kadirbeyoglu).


Municipal Service Delivery, Identity Politics, and Islamist Parties in Turkey. (with Saadat Konak and Melissa Marschall). 2017. Policy brief, the Project on Middle East in Political Science (POMEPS) & GLD, the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


Women Driving Positive Change in the Middle East. 2017. Middle East Program, Wilson Center.


Women’s Representation across National and Local Office in Turkey. (with Abdullah Aydogan and Melissa Marschall). 2016. Policy brief, POMEPS: Project on Middle East in Political Science, George Washington University.


Women’s Political Representation and Authoritarianism in the Arab World. 2016. Policy brief, POMEPS.


A Study on the Intersection of Gender and Public Policy in the Arab World: The Case of ABAAD. 2016. Policy report, Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.


Women’s Political Representation in Kuwait: An Untold Story. 2015. Policy report, Baker Institute for Public Policy.


Women’s Political Representation in the Arab World: The Case of Jordan. 2014. Policy report, Baker Institute for Public Policy.


Women as the Conduits of Change Across the Arab World: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia. 2014. In Trajectories of Change: Challenge and Transformation in the Wake of the Arab Spring. Policy report, Baker Institute for Public Policy.


The Paradox of Female Economic Participation in the Middle East and North Africa. 2014. Issue brief, Baker Institute for Public Policy.


When Sexual Harassment Becomes a Barrier to Development. 2013.  Issue brief, Baker Institute for Public Policy.

© 2020 Marwa Shalaby

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